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Monday 16 May 2011

My new blog

I decided to make a 'blog this evening instead of doing the reading I most urgently need to do. The impetus of this 'blog is to write personal responses to the books I read. Let me explain: I am currently a Master's student in English at the University of Victoria. In a class I took on the modernist novel, my professor had us write 500 word personal responses to the novels we read. A few of us, being acquaintances, shared them on Facebook via the Notes function. I found it an enriching experience and have opted to carry on with all (or most) of the subsequent books I read. I thought, too, that a 'blog would be a good outlet for any other thoughts I might have and care to write down that may exceed Facebook's 500 maximum characters for status updates. Here is the first:

I have shared my bachelor apartment for the past four days with an enormous black fly. I first noticed he had entered my abode, like I said, four days back - and didn't think much of him until nighttime when he became a bit tiresome as I was reading by my bedside light. So I tricked him by turning off all lights except the bathroom light, into which he was lured. Then I turned off the light and shut the door and that was that for the evening. Next day, same thing and I tried my trick again. It worked, but this time the sneaky bastard found its way under the door and so I suffered it to fly around while I read and slept. Last night I tried no trickery and as I read, he alighted on the wall near me and rubbed his front legs in what I believe was a gesture of friendship. So now we live together. This is the fourth night. I don't know how long flies can live eating only the leavings from my neglected fruitbowl and unwashed dishes. So far he has apparently avoided all of the spider corners - and I might add the spiders have done a pitiful job of luring him anywhere near them. No. So far things seem to be fine in fly-land. I might try speaking Goldblum to it. But he shall not die on my account.

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